(Web Interface Setup) Set Up a TP-Link RE580D AC1900 WiFi Repeater (Android) - WindowsTips.net - Windows Tips and Tricks with Geek

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

(Web Interface Setup) Set Up a TP-Link RE580D AC1900 WiFi Repeater (Android)

 Check The Previous Steps Here: (Web Interface Setup) Set Up a TP-Link RE580D AC1900 WiFi Repeater

5 Connect to Setup Network (Android)

Depending on your exact device (Smartphone or Tablet), and which generation you have, the menu theme and options might look slightly different on your screen. However, the steps should be similar across all Android devices and generations.
  1. Open Settings.
    Android Settings
  2. Select Wi-Fi.
  3. Select the TP-LINK_Extender_2.4GHz or TP-LINK_Extender_5GHz network from the list.
    Android Wi-Fi network list with Extender network highlighted.
    The network is unsecured; this is normal. You will be using it to set up the device only. After, you will be using the device over a secured wireless connection.

6 Web Setup

  1. Launch the browser that you use to go online.
    Main Desktop Browsers.
  2. Navigate to tplinkrepeater.net.
    Address bar highlighted in internet browser.
  3. You will be asked to create a new login password. To keep it simple, you can use the same login password you use for your router. Enter it in both fields then click or tap Start.
    Password entry fields and Start button highlighted in TP-Link range extender web interface.

    This is the device administration login password and it is different from the Wi-Fi password, which you use to connect to the Wi-Fi.

  4. You'll be taken to the Quick Setup.
  5. Select your router's Wi-Fi network name from the list.
    Wi-Fi network list highlighted in range extender quick setup.
  6. Enter your router's Wi-Fi password and click or tap Next.
    Wi-Fi password entry field and Next button highlighted in range extender quick setup.
  7. If your router supports dual-band networks and the 5GHz network is enabled on it, select it from the list. Otherwise click or tap Skip.
    List of 5GHz networks and Skip button highlighted in range extender quick setup.
  8. If you selected your router's 5GHz network from the list, enter its Wi-Fi password and click or tap Next.
    Wi-Fi password entry field and Next button highlighted in range extender quick setup.
  9. Next, you'll be able to customize your range extender's Wi-Fi network names. By default, the range extender will copy the router's Wi-Fi network names and append _EXT and/or _5GEXT at the end. To keep it simple it's best you leave them like that. Click or tap Next to continue.
    Wi-Fi network name entry fields, Copy Host SSID and Next buttons highlighted in range extender quick setup.
  10. At the end you will be presented with a summary of the range extender's configuration. Click or tap Save to conclude the setup and reboot the range extender.
    Save button highlighted on configuration summary page in range extender quick setup.
  11. Wait for the range extender to be rebooted and you will get a final screen showing the Wi-Fi credentials you need to use to connect your devices to the range extender's Wi-Fi.
    Range extender Wi-Fi credentials shown on quick setup final screen.

7 Find Optimal Position

The purpose of a Wi-Fi range extender is to expand the Wi-Fi coverage in your home, by capturing the signal from your wireless router and expanding it further. To accomplish this, you need to place the range extender within the existing coverage area of your wireless router. However, to maintain an excellent wireless signal for your Wi-Fi devices, the range extender needs to be positioned within optimal distance from the wireless router. Here's how to accomplish this:

  1. Plug your range extender into an available power outlet in the area you'd like to expand your home's Wi-Fi coverage to.
  2. Check the Wi-Fi status light on the front of the range extender:
    Status light highlighted on front of TP-Link range extender.
    Solid Blue
    Solid blue status light.Connected to wireless router with excellent signal.
    Solid Orange
    Solid orange status light.Connected to wireless router with weak signal.
    Off status light.Not connected to wireless router.
  3. If the status indicator light shows a weak signal, plug the range extender into a power outlet that's a bit closer to your wireless router.
    Range extender optimal position.
  4. Repeat this process until the range extender indicates an excellent signal.

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